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Conductive lacquer for metallization

Using this conductive lacquer you can apply a conductive layer to various synthetic and natural materials, including polymers, plastic, ceramics, wood and many others.

To make the surface conductive it is initially treated with a primary binding (binder) lacquer coating, which is used to improve the adhesion of the item"s surface and to make the surface even. After a short period of drying, the lacquer coating itself is then sprayed with a conductive compound. The presence of organic solvents in the composition of the conductive coating helps by partially dissolving the surface of the lacquer coating, as a result of which the copper powder, which is a part of the conductive compound, "penetrates" into its structure.

The conductive compound can be applied to materials that are sensitive to solvents, such as polycarbonate and polystyrene. When processing some of the porous and organic materials, and before applying the binder layer, it is recommended that the processed item be immersed in the densifier. With most plastics the conductive layer is applied without preliminary processing (preparation).

After the application of the conductive compound and surface drying, the item must be treated with the sensitizing solution. After this stage, and in the bright red copper-plating electrolyte, the item, at a low current, is applied with a "tightening" copper coat for 1-1.5 hours. While copper-plating, you should "ordinarily" remove the item from the electrolyte from time to time, to check the quality of the metal deposition. If small growths have appeared on the copper-plated surface, you can use a brush to nicely level the surface, and after doing so re-immerse the item for further copper-plating.

The conductive layer can be sprayed or applied with the help of an ordinary paintbrush. The conductive compound is supplied in metallic containers of 250g. With 250g of the conductive compound, you can cover an area of 2 m2.

The kit includes:

  • One container of "CONDUCTIVE LACQUER" "A" (220g)
  • One container of "CONDUCTIVE LACQUER" "B" (220g)
  • One container of "DENSIFIER" (1000ml)
  • One container of "SENSITIZING COMPOUND" (1000ml)
"Test kit" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • 4 storage containers with lids (for 5 liters)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION"
  • 1 container of "DEACTIVATING SOLUTION"" for 5 liters)
  • 1 container of "Conductive Lacquer"" (for 5 liters)
  • 1 container of "Copper Additive" (for 5 liters)
  • 1 container of "Burnished Copper" (for 5 liters)
  • User Manual
  • Free Technical Support
"Small kit" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • 4 storage containers with lids (for 10 liters)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION"
  • 1 container of "DEACTIVATING SOLUTION"" (for 10 liters)
  • 2 containers of "Conductive Lacquer" (for 10 liters
  • 1 container of "Copper Additive" (for 10 liters)
  • 1 container of "Burnished Copper" (for 10 liters)
  • Scotch-Bright Tape
  • User Manual
  • Free Technical Support

"Medium kit" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • 4 storage containers with lids(for 20 liters)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION"
  • 1 container of "DEACTIVATING SOLUTION"" (for 20 liters)
  • 4 containers of "Conductive Lacquer" (for 20 liters)
  • 1 container of "Copper Additive" (for 20 liters)
  • 1 container of "Burnished Copper" (for 20 liters)
  • Polishing paste "Autosol"
  • Set of polishing napkins
  • Scotch-Bright Tape
  • User Manual
  • Free Technical Support
"Large kit" (for 50 liters of
  • 4 storage containers with lids(for 50 liters)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION"
  • 1 container of "DEACTIVATING SOLUTION"" (for 50 liters)
  • 10 containers of "Conductive Lacquer" (for 50 liters)
  • 1 container of ."Copper Additive" (for 50 liters)
  • 1 container of "Burnished Copper" (for 50 liters)
  • Pump for electrolyte mixing and filtration
  • Polishing paste "Autosol"
  • Set of polishing napkins
  • Scotch-Bright Ta
  • pe
  • User Manual
  • Free Technical Support
КМД05 Комплект для металлизации диэлектрических материалов на 5 литров 4500 Р
КМД15 Комплект для металлизации диэлектрических материалов на 15 литров 9500 Р
КМД30 Комплект для металлизации диэлектрических материалов на 30 литров 15500 Р
КМД50 Комплект для металлизации диэлектрических материалов на 50 литров 23900 Р