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Metallization kit for abc-plastics, plastic materials and polymers, used in industrial production

The use of this kit allows you to metalize various types of plastic materials, plastics and polymers. The kit includes everything necessary for the primary surface treatment and metal plating of complex shaped items, and items made of various synthetic materials.

Hot isopropyl alcohol treatment allows you to metal plate even those plastics that are "hardest to metal plate".
Before treating with etching solution, it is recommended that the item is treated with "universal cleaner" chemical.

Stages of the technological process:
  1. Treatment with "ETCHING SOLUTION"
  2. Wash with cold and subsequently hot water.
  3. Air drying
  4. Hot isopropyl alcohol treatment.
  5. Treatment with "SENSITIZER" chemical
  6. Wash with cold distilled water.
  7. Treatment with the "ACTIVATOR" chemical
  8. Wash with cold distilled water.
  9. Treatment with the "CHEMICAL COPPER-PLATING" chemical
  10. Air drying.


For the metallization and application of conductive coating on plastic materials and various types of plastics.

Associated kits

"Test kit" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • Seven storage containers with lids (for 5 liters of solution)
  • One liter of isopropyl alcohol
  • One container of "ETCHING SOLUTION" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • One container of "SENSITIZER" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • One container of "ACTIVATOR" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • One container of "CHEMICAL METAL-PLATING" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • User Manual
"Small kit" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • Seven storage containers with lids (for 10 liters of solution)
  • One liter of isopropyl alcohol
  • Heater with protective coating
  • One container of "ETCHING SOLUTION" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • One container of "SENSITIZER" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • One container of "ACTIVATOR" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • One container of "CHEMICAL METAL-PLATING" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • Thermometer
  • User Manual

"Medium kit" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • Seven storage containers with lids (for 20 liters of solution)
  • One liter of isopropyl alcohol
  • Heater with protective coating
  • One container of "ETCHING SOLUTION" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • One container of "SENSITIZER" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • One container of "ACTIVATOR" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • One container of "CHEMICAL METAL-PLATING" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • Thermometer
  • User Manual
"Large kit" (for 50 liters of
  • Seven storage containers with lids (for 50 liters of solution)
  • One liter of isopropyl alcohol
  • Heater with protective coating
  • One container of "ETCHING SOLUTION" (for 50 liters of solution)
  • One container of "SENSITIZER" (for 50 liters of solution)
  • One container of "ACTIVATOR" (for 50 liters of solution)
  • One container of "CHEMICAL METAL-PLATING" (for 50 liters of solution)
  • Thermometer
  • User Manual

Each kit includes a detailed User Manual with a step-by-step description of the preparation and execution processes of metallization. All the chemicals included in the kits are preliminarily weighed and packed in the required proportions, so all that is needed in order to get the working electrolyte solution is to dissolve those packets in distilled water, in the prescribed sequence.

GENERAL DATA. Working temperature during the etching process is 40-50°C. Duration of processing in the etching solution: 10-20 minutes. Solution temperature for the sensitization process: 20-25°C. Processing time: 3-10 minutes. Activator temperature: 20-30°C. Processing time in the activating solution: 3-10 minutes. The chemical copper-plating process is carried out at a temperature of 20-30°C. Load density (overall area of the items immersed in the tub) 3-4 dm2/liter.

КПМ05 Комплект для металлизации авс-пластиков, пластмасс на 5 литров 24500 Р
КПМ15 Комплект для металлизации авс-пластиков, пластмасс на 15 литров 67400 Р
КПМ30 Комплект для металлизации авс-пластиков, пластмасс на 30 литров 0 Р
КПМ50 Комплект для металлизации авс-пластиков, пластмасс на 50 литров 0 Р