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"Etching and polishing compound" for the etching and polishing of copper and its alloys

Processing at room temperature!
Free of carcinogens and toxic chromium compounds!
Excellent shine with the minimum etching of surface layer!

The compound for the etching and polishing of copper and its alloys is used for simultaneous chemical etching and polishing of copper and copper-based alloys. This compound removes corrosion products from the surface, cleans the surface, and produces minimum etching effect, thereby improving the decorative properties of the copper surface.

Unlike numerous copper etching and polishing processes, this process is carried out at room temperature and does not require any power source. The compound does not contain any highly toxic chromium compounds, while the inclusion of anti-oxidation components prevents the oxidation of metal and ensures the retention of copper surface shine.


The compound is used for the simultaneous etching and polishing of copper and copper-based alloys

"Test kit" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • 2 storage containers with a lid (for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "POLISHING SOLUTION"(for 5 liters of solution)
  • 2 containers of "DEGREASING SOLUTION"(for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION"(for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of acid solution
  • User Manual
"Small kit" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • 2 storage containers with a lid (for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "POLISHING SOLUTION"(for 10 liters of solution)
  • 2 containers of "DEGREASING SOLUTION"(for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION"(for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of acid solution
  • User Manual

"Medium kit" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • 2 storage containers with a lid (for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "POLISHING SOLUTION"(for 20 liters of solution)
  • 2 containers of "DEGREASING SOLUTION"(for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION"(for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of acid solution
  • Set of polishing cloths
  • Polishing paste "Autosol"
  • Rubber gloves
  • User Manual
"Large kit" (for 50 liters of
  • 2 storage containers with a lid (for 50 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "POLISHING SOLUTION"(for 50 liters of solution)
  • 2 containers of "DEGREASING SOLUTION"(for 50 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION"(for 50 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of acid solution
  • Set of polishing cloths
  • Polishing paste "Autosol"
  • Rubber gloves
  • User Manual

Each kit includes a detailed User Manual with a step-by-step description of the preparation and execution processes of metallization. All the chemicals included in the kits are preliminarily weighed and packed in the required proportions, so all that is needed in order to get the working electrolyte solution is to dissolve those packets in distilled water, in the prescribed sequence.

GENERAL DATA. Working temperature of solution: 18-25$deg;С. Duration of treatment with etching and polishing solution: 1-5 minutes (depending on surface condition). Five liters of solution allows you to process a copper surface with a total area of 11-12 m2. When using the 5 liters kit, after the treatment of 4-5 m2 it is necessary to add 930-950 ml of "ETCHING SOLUTION" to the solution, if it is exhausted

ТПС05 Комплект "Травильно-полировальный состав" на 5 литров 4000 Р
ТПС15 Комплект "Травильно-полировальный состав" на 15 литров 7500 Р
ТПС30 Комплект "Травильно-полировальный состав" на 30 литров 10700 Р
ТПС50 Комплект "Травильно-полировальный состав" на 50 литров 16500 Р