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"Phosphate degreasing compound" for the preparation of steel surfaces

One-stage process!
Simultaneous degreasing and phosphatization of surface!
Processing without additional modifications to the surface!

This compound is used for the simultaneous degreasing and phosphatization of steel surfaces, with the purpose of rust removal or the preparation of the surface for painting. The phosphatization process is also a rust modifier, which provides good adhesion of the applied paint and lacquer coating and considerably enhances its service life.

The phosphate degreasing compound is delivered as "ready for use", and does not require the preparation and addition of auxiliary chemicals. The basic method of treatment of the steel surface is wiping with the phosphate degreasing compound. The degreasing and phosphatization process using immersion method or douching of the item with chemical compound is also possible.


The compound is used for the simultaneous degreasing and phosphatization of steel items prior to various types of painting; it is also a rust modifier.

"Test kit" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 storage container with a lid (for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "PHOSPHATIC COMPOUND" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • User Manual
"Small kit" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 storage container with a lid (for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "PHOSPHATIC COMPOUND" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • User Manual

"Medium kit" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 storage container with a lid (for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "PHOSPHATIC COMPOUND" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • User Manual
"Large kit" (for 50 liters of
  • 1 storage container with a lid (for 50 liters of solution)
  • Stainless steel heater
  • 1 container of "PHOSPHATIC COMPOUND" (for 50 liters of solution)
  • Rubber gloves
  • Safety glasses User Manual

Each kit includes a detailed User Manual with a step-by-step description of the preparation and execution processes of metallization. All the chemicals included in the kits are preliminarily weighed and packed in the required proportions, so all that is needed in order to get the working electrolyte solution is to dissolve those packets in distilled water, in the prescribed sequence.

GENERAL DATA. Working temperature of passivation solution: 20-30°С.
Duration of treatment with rainbow passivation solution: 30-120 seconds. If there are any oxides, stains or corrosion marks on the surface, then it is recommended that preliminary treatment of the item with "universal cleaner" is carried out.

СОФ05 "Фосфатно-обезжиривающий состав" 5 литров раствора 3000 Р
СОФ15 "Фосфатно-обезжиривающий состав" 15 литров раствора 7300 Р
СОФ30 "Фосфатно-обезжиривающий состав" 30 литров раствора 13500 Р
СОФ50 "Фосфатно-обезжиривающий состав" 50 литров раствора 21900 Р