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"ETCHING AND CLARIFYING SOLUTIONS" kit for preparation of aluminum surface

Power source is not required!
Free of carcinogens and toxic chromium compounds!
Simultaneous etching and clarification of aluminum surface!

Etching and clarifying solution is used for the etching of an aluminium surface for the purpose of etching-out and partially eliminating existing oxide film, with a simultaneous clarification of an aluminium surface.

Etching and clarifying solution is used for the etching and clarification of aluminium and various casting, wrought, dilute alloys, and alloys based on aluminium. The process of etching and clarification constitutes an integral part of the technological process prior to the performance of the chemical or electrochemical deposition process.

NEW! This kit includes etching and clarifying solutions for various aluminium alloys.

Etching and clarifying solution "OS/LKS" for the clarification of aluminium casting alloys containing silicon, brands AK4, AK6, AK8, AK12, AL2, AL4, AL9, AL34, etc.

Etching and clarifying solution "OS/AMS" for the clarification of aluminium alloys containing cuprum and magnesium, brands AL7, AL8, AL19, AL21, AL23, AL27, AL28, AMG, etc.

Etching and clarifying solution "OS/ADS" for the clarification of wrought and thermally non-strengthened aluminium alloys, brands AD, AD1, AMD, AMC, D1, D6, D18P, etc.

Before using clarifying solution, we recommend that you test it on an item of the same alloy. Prior to the performance of the etching and clarification process, an aluminium surface should be cleaned, with any visible contamination removed, polished (if required), and then treated with "universal cleaner".


The compound is used for the etching and clarification of aluminium and its alloys prior to chemical and electrochemical processing.

Associated kits

"Test kit" (for 5 liters of solution)
  • 3 storage containers with a lid (for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 kit of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-LKS"(for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 kit of "ETCHING SOLUTION "OS-LKS"(for 5 liters of solution)
  • 2 containers of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-AMS"(for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-ADS"(for 5 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION "OS-ADS"(for 5 liters of solution)
  • Rubber gloves
  • User Manual
"Small kit" (for 10 liters of solution)
  • 3 storage containers with a lid (for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 kit of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-LKS"(for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 kit of "ETCHING SOLUTION "OS-LKS"(for 10 liters of solution)
  • 2 containers of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-AMS"(for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-ADS"(for 10 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION "OS-ADS"(for 10 liters of solution)
  • Rubber gloves
  • User Manual

"Medium kit" (for 20 liters of solution)
  • 3 storage containers with a lid (for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 kit of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-LKS"(for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 kit of "ETCHING SOLUTION "OS-LKS"(for 20 liters of solution)
  • 2 containers of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-AMS"(for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-ADS"(for 20 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION "OS-ADS"(for 20 liters of solution)
  • Rubber gloves
  • User Manual
"Large kit" (for 50 liters of
  • 3 storage containers with a lid (for 50 liters of solution)
  • 1 kit of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-LKS"(for 50 liters of solution)
  • 1 kit of "ETCHING SOLUTION "OS-LKS"(for 50 liters of solution)
  • 2 containers of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-AMS"(for 50 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "CLARIFYING SOLUTION "OS-ADS"(for 50 liters of solution)
  • 1 container of "ETCHING SOLUTION "OS-ADS"(for 50 liters of solution)
  • Rubber gloves
  • User Manual

Each kit includes a detailed user manual with a step-by-step description of the preparation and execution processes of metallization. All the chemicals included in the kits are preliminarily weighed and packed in the required proportions, so all that is needed in order to get the working electrolyte solution is to dissolve those packets in distilled water, in the prescribed sequence.

GENERAL DATA. Working temperature of solution: 20-35°C. Duration of processing of an item in etching and clarifying solution: 1-10 minutes (depending on alloy grade and surface condition of the processed item).